Are you good at promoting? Send us a quick video message pitching why other students should use Hobs Repro for their student printing. We’re looking for a few written sentences that gets your point across, or a short video message that can be filmed on your phone. It doesn’t have to be professionally edited (but it wouldn’t hurt!) Competition ends Friday 16th June.
Calling all students: Are you good at promoting? Send us a quick video message pitching why other students should use Hobs Repro for their student printing. The best video will win £500! A local runner up also win £50 in every city where we have a Hobs Repro branch.
Send your promotional video to Social@Hobs.com
Earn your printing for free:
We’re searching for a current first year student to help promote our student services to other students in September. We’ll pay you in vouchers for helping us with promotions like poster distribution, Tweets and Freshers Fair.
So send us a video or get in touch!
Send your student printing promo video to Social@Hobs.com
Sign up for a Hobs Student Card:
While you’re here, why not sign up to our Student Discount Card, which gives great savings on printing, stationery, and all the other creative stuff you might need!
Visit out Student Printing page for all the details.
Competition Terms & Conditions: Closing date 16/6/17 and winners selected by 30/6/17. The is one prize of £500. Each participating branch will also award a £50 prize. The prizes will be paid as a gift voucher of your choice eg iTunes, there is not a cash alternative. Videos should be no longer than 30 seconds. We recommend transferring large files to us rather than e-mailing them. Hobs reserve the right to use videos submitted for promotional purposes. The judge’s decision is final. Additional Hobs vouchers will be earned for additional tasks completed, up to a value of £500. The winner and runners up must collect their prize from their nearest Hobs branch.