Your courier is never far away, buzzing around in the familiar red and blue liveried vehicles – collecting originals, delivering prints and rushing all types of stationery and consumables.
The Hobs couriers are famous!
Originally known in the 1960’s as the “Mini Girls” – for the cars that they drove not the short skirts that were popular at the time- the Hobs couriers have become the stuff of legends; recognized wherever they go!
Today, our team of both male and female couriers have become a key part of the Hobs nationwide service, not simply as fetchers and carriers but as champions of information and communication between Hobs customers and the print room teams.
Your courier is never far away, buzzing around in the familiar red and blue liveried vehicles – collecting originals, delivering prints and rushing all types of stationery and consumables.
If you are based in a city centre we’ll try and deliver on one of our courier bikes (if we can carry it safely) or on foot. As well as reducing traffic and fuel consumption, we can also beat congestion and get to you quicker. It also keeps the couriers healthy!
We think all our couriers are special and we hope you do to!