Hobs Spaces

Employees are increasingly seeking a seamless digital experience that aligns with their day-to-day tasks and overall wellbeing. However, traditional approaches to workplace technology often overlook the human element, leading to solutions that are technically sound but lack user engagement. The fast-paced nature of modern business demands agile development processes that can adapt to changing needs.

We have leveraged our 55 years of experience in innovation to redefine the future of collaborative working through our Spaces solution. This comprehensive workspace operating system is engineered to transcend traditional boundaries and create a seamless working experience.

Spaces uses 3D mapping to simplify complex workspaces, providing the following services:

  • Interactive desk booking
  • Indoor and outdoor navigation
  • Detailed asset mapping and points of interest
  • Smart meeting room booking
  • Assigning visitor desks
  • Visitor booking and tracking
  • Role assignment visibility
  • Workplace zoning
  • Live building information

This allows users to clearly understand the status of their workspace, including rooms, desks, lockers, parking spaces, zones and collaboration areas.

Spaces also shows live Internet of Things (IoT) data directly on the workspace floorplan, including occupancy numbers, CO2, humidity, sound and light.

Mobile App

The Spaces mobile app allows easy workplace management whilst allowing for hybrid working. The app provides single flow for desk, locker and parking booking. Users gain complete flexibility with policies per building, allowing for management of advanced bookings, check-in times, booking slots and more!

Users can also split workplaces into zones, providing capacity management, assignment and analytics at a zone level for easily manageable insights.

There are multiple check-in options through the app:

  • Easy-to-generate QR codes: Generate and print from within the platform or get them printed professionally
  • Employee scans to confirm: On the day of the booking, the employee scans the QR code at their desk for a quick and simple check-in
  • Cancel no shows: Set auto cancel times for employees that don’t show up and monitor check-in behaviour in the insights section

Room Scheduling

Spaces provides advanced room management to efficiently manage hundreds of rooms. Using spaces, users can:

  • See full office availability schedules
  • Apply meeting labels for categorisation
  • Book two or more rooms with a single booking
  • Manage visitors within the same room booking flow
  • Request services when booking a room
  • Protect important rooms through Approval Workflow
  • Request a different setup with Room Layouts

Visitor Management

Through the Guest Kiosk, users can manage visitors through a range of solutions:

  • Visitor self-registration
  • Question builder for registration
  • Visitor photo capture
  • Sign-in using a personal device
  • Pre-registration:
    • Visitors can sign-in after receiving an invitation email
    • Reduce time waiting at reception
    • Host notifications once complete and signed in
    • Invitations include meeting and building information

IoT Integration

IoT integration provides real-time monitoring of data, allowing workers to analyse proactively, identify problems and make necessary interventions. IoT integration provided through Spaces includes:

  • Environmental sensors
    • Monitors indoor environmental quality (temperature, CO2, noise, light, pressure, humidity, dew point)
  • Ceiling occupancy sensors
    • A ceiling-mounted device with highly accurate (>95%) presence and counting analytics
  • Real-time data
    • See all data in easy-to-read reports to understand occupancy trends, utilisation of meeting rooms and zone utilisation through various metrics, including location, zone, group, floor, space and type
  • Attendance reports
    • Analysis by days of the week, hour, zones and buildings to understand capacity vs usage and gain knowledge of meeting room booking size vs attendance
  • ESG reports
    • Understand health metrics, including airborne, focus and comfort
    • Understand energy usage and carbon emissions
    • Manage carbon reduction
    • Run projects and understand return on investment
  • Wasted space reports
    • Focus on utilisation vs available hours, space level analytics, utilisation trends and booking size fit analysis