John Lewis brand new Customer Call Centre is based in Glasgow, and their team approached Hobs to help brand internal areas as part of the fit-out; several areas needed invigorating finishing touches to inspire both staff and visitors.
John Lewis is one of the UK’s most recognisable department stores, and now has a thriving online shopping business. Their brand new Customer Call Centre is based in Glasgow, and their team approached Hobs as they wanted to create signage for internal areas as part of the fit-out; several areas needed invigorating finishing touches to inspire both staff and visitors.
Key Challenges
- Strong branding guidelines
- Various different aspects across the site
- Colour matching across various materials
- Quick installation required
A complete signage solution was designed, using the companies branding guidelines. This included various signage elements, materials and layers to create dynamic displays in key locations.
The display designs featured a prominent company timeline with printed vinyl letters and ‘floating’ images. This timeline theme was maintained into a meeting area where a historical image was printed onto frosted (or etched effect) vinyl and applied to the windows to provide privacy and inspiration.
In the reception a branded welcome directory was placed to greet visitors alongside a photo-board of the original John Lewis store and wall vinyl’s with some inspirational messages. The new display also featured a mock shop window display which can be easily updated to match store locations and the changing seasonal styles.
In other areas, walls were covered in bespoke printed wallpaper (from floor to ceiling) as a branded backdrop. Printed panels were displayed on top of this to illustrate different aspects of the company’s operations.
When it came to the actual John Lewis logos, these were fret-cut out of PVC Foamex so they are incredibly accurate, rigid and durable; this was displayed in several prominent locations.
The Result
Clare Easdale, Visual Merchandising Manager at John Lewis remarked “Hobs provide such a knowledgeable, prompt and efficient service. The quality of their work is always to the highest standard and they are always very pleasant to work with. Most importantly they always deliver on time and meet our sometimes demanding deadlines.”
With such a detailed brief, various different methods were used, but were colour matched at every stage to achieve consistency across all the different materials. The Hobs team provided a full service of survey, design, manufacture and installation. This ensured the entire project came to life on time and exactly as the John Lewis team required.