Alex Campkin is one of the Hobs IT department which provides IT support to the entire Hobs Group. We pulled him away from fixing a laptop to fire some quick questions at him.
Alex Campkin is one of the Hobs IT department which provides IT support to the entire Hobs Group.
We pulled him away from fixing a laptop to fire some quick questions at him…
- What’s your job in a nutshell? I manage the Hobs Group network infrastructure, providing support on a wide range of issues from server failures to website maintenance. I also plan maintenance and new services to enable Hobs to further grow and expand. I can be spending my day doing anything from setting up a new print room to being buried in pages of code updating the latest news page on our new website Hobsrerpo.com!
- What’s Hobs IT, in a nutshell? Hobs IT works across the entire Hobs Group giving support services to the many Hobs locations, project planning and ongoing modernisation of the current infrastructure. We are constantly investigating improvements and testing new technology and driving efficiencies.
- What are you working on right now? I’m currently working on some website updates and also working closely with Apple and our suppliers to deliver bespoke services to our Apple devices. This will allow more efficient systems for maintaining our systems and create streamlined policies to keep them at optimum performance.
- What’s your coffee break favourite? We often update systems out of normal office hours to cause the least disruption, so a Strong white coffee, 1 sugar, for that much needed wake up!
- What three words best describe you? Determined, resourceful, efficient
- Tell us something people don’t know about you! I’m currently in university studying for a computer science and business degree while also training for my full motorcycle license. I’m also in the process of acquiring my PADI open water diving certifications.
- You win a free holiday to anywhere you like – where would you go? Sailing on a private yacht through the Philippines and Indonesia with a full diving kit and plenty of beer!
- Do you have a motto? Expect the worst, Hope for the best. – It’s always kept me looking forward to my achievements but prevents being let down in a time of ill fortune.
- What’s your favourite film /TV programme and why? One of my all-time favourites has to be Guy Ritchie’s ‘Snatch’. It’s amazingly written, presented and my type of humour!
- If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend it? Very likely on a big motorcycle going at high speed around the country, finally ending up in the city to have one big end of the world party!
- What’s your favourite band / song and why? Easily Foo Fighters! I have always really enjoyed their music and they’re amazing live. My favourite song would have to be ‘Everlong’.
- What’s the most inspirational book you’ve ever read? George Orwell’s 1984; it’s a very striking novel with some very scary similarities to the present day, especially as it was written in 1949.
First Published January 2015