Earlier in the year a Hobs team took part in a grueling 100 mile bike ride, raising over £3,500 to buy much needed ipads for Manchester Childrens Hospital.
Craig Horwood (Managing Director) and Phil Newton (North West Regional Business Manager) from Hobs Reprographics recently visited the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital to donate three ipads.
Earlier in the year a Hobs team took part in a grueling 100 mile bike ride, raising over £3,500 to buy the much needed ipads.
Craig Horwood comments, “We were delighted to achieve our aim of raising enough money to buy three ipads with specialist software for the children staying at the hospital, to help cheer them up and create an interactive atmosphere. Everyone completed the ride and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, knowing that we have helped to bring some smiles to the children’s faces”.
The full cycle ride team was: Craig Horwood, Lucy Peers, Phil Newton, Pete Brogan, Scott Johnson, Drew Foulton, James Miller, Dominic Appleby, Rebecca Watkins, Stuart Williams and Mary Jane Greenhalgh.
The photo shows, from left to right, speech and language therapists from The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Jenni Brown, Caroline Hall and Jo Marks, with Craig Horwood (on the left) and Phil Newton from Hobs Reprographics (on the right).
Any further donations to Hobs charity fund would be greatly appreciated, just visit: http://www.justgiving.com/HobsManchester-100