Hobs TeamTender attended, exhibited and sponsored an award at The Association of Bid & Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) Awards Dinner.
The Association of Bid & Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) is a world-wide organisation that promotes and advances the arts, sciences and technologies of winning business. Dave McCormack, Manager of TeamTender for Hobs Repro, attended and exhibited our TeamTender and 3D Printing services at their UK annual conference, held on the 23rd and 24th October.
Dave was also a guest speaker at the event, talking on the ‘Innovation and the use of 3D printing’. In the evening David once again took to the stage to present the ‘Best Newcomer’ award at the glittering Black Tie Awards Dinner. This award was sponsored by Hobs as an encouragement to organisations to strive to ever greater achievements in bid creation.
The APMP event was invaluable in making new contacts, renewing old and keeping abreast of who is excelling in different areas of the industry.
If you’d like to know more about TeamTender or have any questions about Bids and Proposals then please get in touch at dave.mccormack@hobs.com or tweet @HobsTeamTender
Pictured left to right: Dave McCormack (Manager of TeamTender for Hobs), award winner William Ramsey (PC Strategies), Beth Wingate (CEO of APMP International) and Ken Newland (CEO of the APMP UK Chapter).